Life is too short to go about the things that are important in an ad-hock manner. Optimize your work, your home and your life.
Meet your optimization coach here:
I came from a small New Zealand town and a generation where many parents didn’t have a lot of choices for finding the right help to make their dreams come true.
My parents believed that University would give me options, and did all they could to help me get there.
After graduating First Class Honors in Management Science / Operations Research, I felt like I had the world at my feet. In one hand I had my degree, and in the other the hand of my child-hood sweetheart.
Forward I went into a career, just as the world energy markets seemed ripe for someone like me skilled in optimization and problem solving.
Gary Player once said that “You must work very hard to become a natural golfer.” In my first job I got into that sweet spot where passion, skill, hard work and the right kind of problems brought the best out of me. I felt like I had plenty to offer, and my ambition grew.
By age 30, I had all but reached my salary targets, had passed 7 successful years or marriage, had 3 kids with another on the way. Life was going well, so it was time to set my goals even higher.
I upped and moved my family (wife and now 4 kids) to Australia. The city lights were bigger and brighter, and the opportunities more plentiful.
I continued to excel, and under the guidance of my boss and mentor, I learned how to succeed in the high-stakes world of trading energy futures contracts - yes the same products that destroyed US conglomerate Enron.
Our team delivered hundreds of millions in trading revenue, transformed the wholesale energy portfolio and I had a key role in billions of dollars in asset acquisitions, divestments and green field developments.
Life was good, but as time went on, I looked ahead and I didn’t like where my life was going. I saw corporate life wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. When I looked around me I saw boring meetings, politics and many divorced executives who didn’t know their kids. I could see that work was a very poor substitute.
How was I to change things?
Why would you leave a high-paying career to start something that had a very high chance of failure?
Risk is an interesting thing. One person’s security is risky to another. I looked down the path I was on and I decided to risk what I had for the chance to achieve something much more fulfilling, but also something that in the long term I hoped would make my work and home life more compatible.
I had realized that I was in the rat-race, and I wanted to get out. But how could I when I had a large mortgage, 6 kids under 10 including one on the autism spectrum?
I had to break new ground on how to make business and family work or face a future train wreck.
So we did it. Some colleagues and I handed in our notices and started an energy trading fund – think hedge fund – investing on behalf of high net wealth investors into the Australian energy market.
Life was about to get a whole lot crazier, at home and at work.
We survived the loss of our best trader within one year of starting up to generate $50 million dollars in trading revenue in 4 years, for a net return exceeding 25% p.a. on invested capital, and a share price 20x its original value.
During the heart of the GFC, we were a finalist for Asia-Pacific emerging manager of the year.
Business was booming, but home life was a battle managing a family of 7 kids, home-schooling, raising one child with autism and nearly 3 hours of daily commuting from my home on the outskirts of Melbourne.
It couldn't go on forever. It didn't.
After a coup d'etat involving my former friend and mentor, the successful business was brought down. All that we had worked for was over.
On a personal level, I was done. It took too much out of me. There was no going back.
Life transitions are a difficult beast to master. It took a lot of time for me to recover from the personal betrayal and loss of my business. Part of me was relieved. So was my wife. Trading one of the most volatile commodities in the world was not a family-friendly pursuit. Another part of me though missed the status trading brought and the thrill of making money.
Suddenly, I had time on my hands - time to spend first and foremost with my family, but also to rethink my life.
Transitions are hard; they bring turmoil over a longing for what used to be, countered by a hope in the opportunities that lie ahead.
I had to learn quickly who I really was and who I wanted to become.
I chose to make this brutal setback a springboard to seek my creator afresh and his purpose for my life.
What if I could make a difference and stop some of these tragedies?
Today, I am a certified Professional Life & Business Coach helping clients optimize their work and personal lives without going crazy trying.
I’ve discovered that true coaching is an incredibly powerful 21st century method to help high achievers get from ‘stuck’ to ‘success’ faster, and with less pain than ever before in a wide range of life areas.
Due to my passion and experience, I have chosen to coach in these areas:
I might not be where I thought I would be financially, but I have found something much more valuable than money. For me, that is a life purpose that is in harmony with work, family and myself.
What about you. What is the ambition, goal or problem you want to get knocked over?
Are you happy where you are and with who you are?
Do you want more?
Whether that is through building a better growth strategy for your business... or
Perhaps making a career move that will make a real difference to your life and to others...
Or turning conflicts between home and work around into a harmonic integration.
I know all about the challenges of what it takes to bring success and harmony across business, family and personal life. If you would like to leverage off my business experience (success & failure), 20+ years of marriage with 9 kids, and coach training to help you succeed, then please get in touch today.
To your success!
Coach Guy.
CPLC (Certified Professional Life Coach, Christian Coach Institute, an ICF Accredited coach training school)
Guy has a limited amount of time-slots each week for free consults. Ask Guy about how coaching with him can transform your home-life, business or both!
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